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15 diciembre 2012

Cats on fire - My sense of pride

Cuando uno escucha por primera vez la voz de Mattias Björk, vocalista de Cats on fire, es inevitable acordarse de Morrisey (The Smiths). Es clavada. Más alla de la voz de Mattias, la música tambien se ve influenciada aquel mítico grupo de los 80 como en este My sense of pride de All blackshirts to me, el nuevo disco de los finlandeses.

Aprovecho para comentar que estuvieron de visita en España hasta hace escasamente una semana, cuando cerraron su gira por la península en el Primavera Club de Madrid. Anteriormente estuvieron presentando el disco en Oviedo, Vigo, Manresa, Girona, Barcelona y Zaragoza. Ahora se encuentran de gira por Alemania.

Sometimes you’d better know who your friends are
Sometimes that’s the one thing you can’t do
Once again among my fellow townsmen
After I’ve wasted most of my youth

Nothing is shaking and I
Want to have my job back
This time my sense of pride
Won’t stand in the way
I’ve lost that long ago

Takes courage to say I’ve been mistaken
I’ve been an idiot for years
Now I speak in a lower voice to blend in
I try not to dress up queer

Nothing is shaking and I
Want to have my job back
This time my sense of pride
Won’t stand in the way
I’ve lost that long ago

Nothing is shaking but the leaves on the trees
And I want some tar and feathers
No, no, nothing but the leaves on the trees
Lash me with your leather
I’ve made a fool of myself
Nothing is shaking and I
Want to have my job back
This time my sense of pride
Won’t stand in the way
I’ve lost that long ago

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