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26 marzo 2012

Tegan and Sara - I won't be left

No había comentado nada del fantástico CD/DVD de las gemelas Tegan and Sara, es cierto que os puse Call it off pero no dije nada acerca de la pelicula que hay en este doble trabajo Get Along.

El DVD, de más de dos horas contiene tres películas, India, de 25 minutos (la más corta) es un reportaje que cuenta cómo vivieron su primera gira por aquel pais. States película algo más larga cuenta sus experiencias durante la gira norteamericana de hace un par de años y por último For the most part el concierto que dieron en un estudio de Vancouver con 75 fans y en el que se recogen las canciones del CD.

Hoy I won't be left. Comenzando bien la semana. Feliz lunes!

I won't mistake you for problems with me
I won't let my moods ruin this you'll see
I won't take everything good and move it away
I won't be left dancing alone to songs from the past

Would you stay home and keep our memories warm with me
Would you give all your love for a run at the past with me

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

I won't get mad when you say things are getting too hard
I won't make all of your love so scared to come through our yard
I won't scream in my head and let it isolate me
I won't be left dancing alone to songs from the past

Would you stay home and keep our memories warm with me
Would you give all your love for a run at the past with me

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

Would you stay home and keep our memories warm with me
Would you give all your love for a run at the past with me

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

I know you're sad even though you say that you're not
I know you're scared even though you say that you're not

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