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25 marzo 2011

Bigott - Dead Mum Walking

Viernes! hoy toca escuchar a Bigott, injustamente olvidado en el blog pues ya tocaba poner algo del zaragozano que el año pasado sacó This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship su primer y sobresaliente disco. Esta noche estará en Zaragoza, y en Abril visitará Madrid, el 8 y el Toledo el día 9 para repasar este disco y quizás adelantarnos alguna canción nueva.

Os dejo con Dead Mum Walking, primer single del disco y con un videoclip realizado por Karl Marie Petrov y los alumnos del Instituto Pedro Gálvez-Soria.

said to the doctor:
"Can you help with my mum?",
and he said: "oh,
your mumy is out of tune'',

tonight wig party
at the central corridor,
the preach man looks for God, but God is at the dance floor,

dead mum walking by the sea,
and all the family like golden ships,
full metal jacket rings the bells,
scary monsters sleeping in your bed,

cool baby nurses
taking fashion walk about,
the winner takes it all,
sings ABBA through the door,

go mama take your smile and have a drink tonight,
the Griffin's death come in, somebody clap my hand!?,

dead mum walking by the sea,
and all the family like golden ships,
full metal jacket rings the bells,
scary monsters sleeping in your bed,

dead mum walking by the sea,
and all the family like golden ships,
full metal jacket rings the bells,
scary monsters sleeping in your bed,

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