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26 octubre 2011

Cosmic Birds - Manatees

Miércoles nubloso y con una canción descubierta hacer bien poco (qué seria de mi sin elmundodetulsa!), Cosmic Birds estrenó EP hace bien poco, Hello World es el titulo del trabajo de los vallisoletanos David Hernández y Mario Llana que en la primavera del 2010 decidieron juntarse comenzar a componer. A pesar de ausencia durante un año de Mario, siguieron componiendo y a su vuelta empezaron a trabajar en este EP. Tampoco tengo mucha más información de ellos asi que lo mejor va a ser que ponga la canción y me deje de lios.

El EP se puede escuchar en bandcamp y descargar desde El mundo de Tulsa. Merece la pena unas escuchas, muy bueno el EP y en particular esta canción que hoy dejo Manatees. Habrá que estar atentos a su página de facebook para futuros conciertos.

When I saw the wee beetle breathing in paralyser
The paralyser keeping it on its back
It was the first time I would feel it
How the world is always bleeding and the memories run dry

I don’t need any hope so now I’m handing it over
Handing it over to the weak and the damned
Because despite the stormy weather you do know it’s now or never
There's don't need to weep cause you know

I’ll be with you there
When you are out in the rain at least you know you’re alive
The water’s wet but it’s fine
Your eyeballs will not get too dry
And someday
The rain may turn into sea, we'd sail away to the bright
The weight would be lighter than light
And we'd sing with the manatees

Dum da da dum dum da da da dum dum dum da da da da oh oh oh
Dum da da dum dum da da da dum dum dum da da da da oh oh oh

Then I saw all the ponys going round in the fairground
Going in circles with their eyes covered up
Their head down like prostitutes who have got nothing left to lose
Insensitivity delight

I’m not going to tell you that it’s gonna get better
Sometimes it doesn’t and the ponys know that
But start to wake up from your slumber cause we’ll never be much younger
Than we are today and you know

I’ll stay with you there
When you are out in the rain at least you know you’re alive
The water’s wet but it’s fine
Your eyeballs will not get too dry
And someday
The rain may turn into sea, we'd sail away to the bright
The weight would be lighter than light
And we'd sing with the manatees

Dum da da dum dum da da da dum dum dum da da da da oh oh oh
Dum da da dum dum da da da dum dum dum da da da da oh oh oh

I’m not going to tell you that it’s gonna get better
Sometimes it doesn’t and the ponys know that
But start to wake up from your slumber cause we’ll never be much younger
Than we are today

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